查看可用 scrapy 模板
scrapy genspider --list
Available templates: basic # 默认模板 crawl # 全站爬取 csvfeed # CSV 源模板 xmlfeed # XML 源模板
CrawlSpider 是爬取那些具有一定规则网站的常用的爬虫,它基于Spider并有一些独特属性
基于 Spider 类,进一步封装
rules: 是Rule 对象的集合,用于匹配目标网站并排除干扰
parse_start_url: 用于爬取起始响应,必须要返回item,Request中的一个
_parse_response: 是CrawlSpider 的核心方法
- > scrapy genspider -t crawl spider_name spider_url
注意:在CrawlSpider中,不可以进行重构 parse 方法,因为它已经被CrawlSpider占用,可以使用parse_strat_url方法替代
添加 source root -> settings 配置中
# 添加所属目录 -> PythonPath 中 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
CrawlSpider 源码逻辑概述
class LagouSpider(CrawlSpider): name = 'lagou' allowed_domains = ['www.lagou.com'] start_urls = ['http://www.lagou.com/'] rules = ( # 参数为可迭代对象 # rule 实例,LinkExtractor (链接提取器) 实例 # 可以更改域名, 一般大型网站都有负载均衡处理, 在某个城市进行CDN, 每个城市的URL/IP地址都是不一样的, 获取到多个城市的URL后,可以进行随机IP访问,减少了IP被检测的概率 Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'Items/'), callback='parse_item', follow=True), ) def parse_job(self, response): """解析拉勾网职位信息""" item = {} #item['domain_id'] = response.xpath('//input[@id="sid"]/@value').get() #item['name'] = response.xpath('//div[@id="name"]').get() #item['description'] = response.xpath('//div[@id="description"]').get() return item class CrawlSpider(Spider): rules = () # 在 CrawlSpider 初始化时, 调用 compile_rules 方法 def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(CrawlSpider, self).__init__(*a, **kw) self._compile_rules() def parse(self, response): return self._parse_response(response, self.parse_start_url, cb_kwargs={}, follow=True) def parse_start_url(self, response): return [] def process_results(self, response, results): return results def _build_request(self, rule_index, link): return Request( url=link.url, callback=self._callback, errback=self._errback, meta=dict(rule=rule_index, link_text=link.text), ) def _requests_to_follow(self, response): """要求遵循""" # 判断是否为 HTMLResponse if not isinstance(response, HtmlResponse): return # 新建一个 set 类型局部变量, 对 response 中的 url 进行去重 seen = set() # 通过 enumerate 把 _rules 改变为一个可迭代的对象 for rule_index, rule in enumerate(self._rules): # 把 response 传递给 link_extractor 类 extract_links 方法, 提取出具体的 link links = [lnk for lnk in rule.link_extractor.extract_links(response) if lnk not in seen] # 自定义 process_links 方法, 传递给 Rule 类, 抽取出 link 添加至 set 中 for link in rule.process_links(links): seen.add(link) request = self._build_request(rule_index, link) yield rule._process_request(request, response) def _callback(self, response): rule = self._rules[response.meta['rule']] return self._parse_response(response, rule.callback, rule.cb_kwargs, rule.follow) def _errback(self, failure): rule = self._rules[failure.request.meta['rule']] return self._handle_failure(failure, rule.errback) def _parse_response(self, response, callback, cb_kwargs, follow=True): """ CrawlSpider 中核心方法 :param response: :param callback: 回调方法名 self.parse_start_url :param cb_kwargs: 获取 parse_start_url 返回的参数 :param follow: :return: """ if callback: cb_res = callback(response, **cb_kwargs) or () # 交由 process_results 方法 cb_res = self.process_results(response, cb_res) # 对返回结果,进行迭代(抛出 Item,交给 Scrapy 进行传递) for request_or_item in iterate_spider_output(cb_res): yield request_or_item # CrawlSpider 核心中的核心, 默认进行跟随链接, 改变follow/_follow_links bool 值, 决定是否跟随 if follow and self._follow_links: for request_or_item in self._requests_to_follow(response): yield request_or_item def _handle_failure(self, failure, errback): if errback: results = errback(failure) or () for request_or_item in iterate_spider_output(results): yield request_or_item def _compile_rules(self): """制定规则""" # 生成实例变量 self._rules = [] for rule in self.rules: # 浅拷贝 rule 值 self._rules.append(copy.copy(rule)) self._rules[-1]._compile(self) @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler, *args, **kwargs): spider = super(CrawlSpider, cls).from_crawler(crawler, *args, **kwargs) # 获取 settings 中 'CRAWLSPIDER_FOLLOW_LINKS' 参数 (需自定义),若没定义则取默认值 True # 若设置 'CRAWLSPIDER_FOLLOW_LINKS' 参数为False,rules 则会失效 spider._follow_links = crawler.settings.getbool('CRAWLSPIDER_FOLLOW_LINKS', True) return spider
Rule 类
class Rule: def __init__(self, link_extractor=None, callback=None, cb_kwargs=None, follow=None, process_links=None, process_request=None, errback=None): self.link_extractor = link_extractor or _default_link_extractor self.callback = callback self.errback = errback self.cb_kwargs = cb_kwargs or {} self.process_links = process_links or _identity self.process_request = process_request or _identity_process_request self.process_request_argcount = None self.follow = follow if follow is not None else not callback
- link_extractor 一个具体的 extractor 类,用于完成 url 的抽取
- callback 回调函数
- cb_kwargs 传递给 link_extractor 的参数
- follow 满足 rule 的 url 是否进行跟踪
- process_links 可以自定义的预处理方法 参数类型 -> function
- process_request 对 request 进行处理 参数类型 -> function
LinkExtractor 类
class LxmlLinkExtractor(FilteringLinkExtractor): def __init__(self, allow=(), deny=(), allow_domains=(), deny_domains=(), restrict_xpaths=(), tags=('a', 'area'), attrs=('href',), canonicalize=False, unique=True, process_value=None, deny_extensions=None, restrict_css=(), strip=True, restrict_text=None): tags, attrs = set(arg_to_iter(tags)), set(arg_to_iter(attrs)) lx = LxmlParserLinkExtractor( tag=lambda x: x in tags, attr=lambda x: x in attrs, unique=unique, process=process_value, strip=strip, canonicalized=canonicalize ) super(LxmlLinkExtractor, self).__init__(lx, allow=allow, deny=deny, allow_domains=allow_domains, deny_domains=deny_domains, restrict_xpaths=restrict_xpaths, restrict_css=restrict_css, canonicalize=canonicalize, deny_extensions=deny_extensions, restrict_text=restrict_text) def extract_links(self, response): """Returns a list of :class:`~scrapy.link.Link` objects from the specified :class:`response <scrapy.http.Response>`. Only links that match the settings passed to the ``__init__`` method of the link extractor are returned. Duplicate links are omitted. """ base_url = get_base_url(response) if self.restrict_xpaths: # 编译 xpath 参数 docs = [subdoc for x in self.restrict_xpaths for subdoc in response.xpath(x)] else: docs = [response.selector] all_links = [] for doc in docs: links = self._extract_links(doc, response.url, response.encoding, base_url) all_links.extend(self._process_links(links)) return unique_list(all_links)
allow 正则提取,设定的 rules allow 参数,进行处理
deny 正则提取,设定的 rules allow 参数,不处理
allow_domains 设定域名下的 url,进行处理
deny_domains 设定域名下的 url,不处理
restrict_xpaths 指定 xpath 规则,进行提取
tags 默认提取标签 a, area
attrs (attribute) 默认提取 href 属性中的值
restrict_css 指定 css 规则,进行提取 (最终都会被转换为 xpath 进行处理)
Ps:css 语法是 HTML 支持的, XML 是不支持的,最早 Xpath 是用来提取 XML 的
父类 FilteringLinkExtractor
class FilteringLinkExtractor: _csstranslator = HTMLTranslator() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor if (issubclass(cls, FilteringLinkExtractor) and not issubclass(cls, LxmlLinkExtractor)): warn('scrapy.linkextractors.FilteringLinkExtractor is deprecated, ' 'please use scrapy.linkextractors.LinkExtractor instead', ScrapyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return super(FilteringLinkExtractor, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self, link_extractor, allow, deny, allow_domains, deny_domains, restrict_xpaths, canonicalize, deny_extensions, restrict_css, restrict_text): self.link_extractor = link_extractor self.allow_res = [x if isinstance(x, _re_type) else re.compile(x) for x in arg_to_iter(allow)] self.deny_res = [x if isinstance(x, _re_type) else re.compile(x) for x in arg_to_iter(deny)] self.allow_domains = set(arg_to_iter(allow_domains)) self.deny_domains = set(arg_to_iter(deny_domains)) self.restrict_xpaths = tuple(arg_to_iter(restrict_xpaths)) self.restrict_xpaths += tuple(map(self._csstranslator.css_to_xpath, arg_to_iter(restrict_css))) self.canonicalize = canonicalize if deny_extensions is None: deny_extensions = IGNORED_EXTENSIONS self.deny_extensions = {'.' + e for e in arg_to_iter(deny_extensions)} self.restrict_text = [x if isinstance(x, _re_type) else re.compile(x) for x in arg_to_iter(restrict_text)] def _link_allowed(self, link): if not _is_valid_url(link.url): return False if self.allow_res and not _matches(link.url, self.allow_res): return False if self.deny_res and _matches(link.url, self.deny_res): return False parsed_url = urlparse(link.url) if self.allow_domains and not url_is_from_any_domain(parsed_url, self.allow_domains): return False if self.deny_domains and url_is_from_any_domain(parsed_url, self.deny_domains): return False if self.deny_extensions and url_has_any_extension(parsed_url, self.deny_extensions): return False if self.restrict_text and not _matches(link.text, self.restrict_text): return False return True def matches(self, url): if self.allow_domains and not url_is_from_any_domain(url, self.allow_domains): return False if self.deny_domains and url_is_from_any_domain(url, self.deny_domains): return False allowed = (regex.search(url) for regex in self.allow_res) if self.allow_res else [True] denied = (regex.search(url) for regex in self.deny_res) if self.deny_res else [] return any(allowed) and not any(denied) def _process_links(self, links): links = [x for x in links if self._link_allowed(x)] if self.canonicalize: for link in links: link.url = canonicalize_url(link.url) links = self.link_extractor._process_links(links) return links def _extract_links(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.link_extractor._extract_links(*args, **kwargs) # Top-level imports from scrapy.linkextractors.lxmlhtml import LxmlLinkExtractor as LinkExtractor